Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Let It Snow!

Ahhhhh.  It was snowing this past weekend (Feb 19th).  Full-on snowfall at 3,000 ft.  Chris' Irises looked beautiful, if not slightly surprised poking out of the ground to find themselves covered in a soft white blanket.  Not quite enough to build a snowman but cold enough to be inspired.
Chris gave us the latest on the micro-hydro-electric project which seems to be progressing nicely.  I can't say how the whole thing works really, but what I understand is that the entire camp will run on electricity generated by the power of rushing water.  The energy will be harnassed and stored in batteries and the batteries will be used to power things like lights, radios, power tools, washing machines and of course the occassional hairdryer!  Sturtevant Camp will be powered solely by renewable energy and its all been made possible by Chris' unending enthusiasm and ferocious tenacity (and little help from his friends).

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