Monday, February 06, 2006

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Spell Be Broken

Just like that.

The past two weeks Sharon and I have been in some kind of Twilight Zone. Our intentions have been good but we've been sent back from the trail by one thing or another. Demons among us or just a few bad days who can tell.

Cormac McCarthy says "You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from." My husband reminds me that he also said "Don't chew on what's eatin' ya."

Ok. So not to be outdone, we gave it one more go and alas, this past Sunday we finally completed the Zion Loop free of pitfalls. We were rewarded with a suprise visit from Canyon Dave who appeared out of the early morning shadows to greet us midtrail. Its always a pleasure to see Dave and especially so now that he is clean-shaven. We had a nice chat before heading on.

See you there.