Monday, June 19, 2006

Welcome to Chantry Flat

The road has been opened.  It's a little tricky and if you're not concerned about that big hole over to the right you can drive right up to the trailhead.  Beware: with easier access comes increased activity.  Arrive by 7:30 if you want to park.  While on the trail by foot stay to the right.  Don't tailgate.  Use caution and sensitivity when passing.  Angry owners and their dogs should be attached to each other with a 4ft leash.  If only all the bikers would wear bells.  Let's all get along.

Monday, June 05, 2006

all the way to Devore

miles = 12
bear = 0
deer = 0
mountain lion = 0
rattlesnakes = 1
deer flies = 12
mosquitos = 4,572,326

And as a final note, could we please not forget that this trail is uphill all the way back.