Monday, April 14, 2014

The Cosmic Birthday Dog!

Happy Birthday to me!  What a fantastic hike we had through Red Box and up the Kenyan-Devore Trail.  One of my favorites.  Actually this might be my new favorite. This level of Peace and Quiet has not been realized in quite some time.  Its a different kind of feeling to be on the trail for over five hours and not see another person.  For me, I feel peaceful but a bit vulnerble... in a good way.  You can really stop and hear the forest waking up, exploring itself and moving you along with its chatter.

This trail is not well traveled which is exhilarating.  I feel a little bit like I'm following an elephant trail.  The visible trail is narrow and the vegetation is hovering over it so you have to push it aside to pass.  My old friend, Tarricula Parry, is heavily represented and I am still drawn to the smell of it as well as the tall, elegant stalks which often gather in large groups like they're about to take off on a trip of their own.

There is water in the river although not much.  I recall a trip down here in the not too distant past when we had to wade through the river and the water reached our knees.  It was so cold I could barely stand it and the rocks below were slippery and sharp on my feet.  Today I can easily walk across without rock hopping.  Ahhh the landscape here is changed for good.  Or for my lifetime at least I think.  Gone are the large, high pine canopies and here, for now, are the yucca, sagebrush and poodlebush.  The baby pines cause me to wonder how long it will take them to grow as high as their forebearers.  As I reach out and touch their delicate limbs, I wish for them a gentle but steady rain to see them through the hot summer.

I stop briefly to visit one particular tree which survived the fires.   This is a tree I have come to know over the years and one that I am fond of.  Its the tree I think of when I think of this trail and the tree I look forward to seeing when I make my plans to come here.  Its a tall pine but its not about what kind of tree it is, its about the energy of that particular being.  I want to feel as if the tree is happy to see me too but I know that the tree has no use for me.  Seeing the tree and being in its space for a minute or two, somehow brings out in me something of value.  Some kind of confidence, some sort of sense that I am welcome, a little bit of contentment.  This trail is all uphill so after I have caught my breath I move on.

When we reach the top the warm sun is welcome and there are some people shuffling about the cafe already.  The cafe seems to have its act together this year and I am tempted by croissants and apple pie in the window.  My birthday tradition has become a cosmic dog and I cannot be swayed even by the breakfast sweets.  One cosmic dog with mustard please!  And a big happy birthday to me!

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