Monday, April 15, 2013

Hot Dog High

We planned to make a day of it.  We would head on up to Wilson via the Sturtevant trail and down the other side, after having lunch at the top.  It would be a birthday hike for me so I couldn't do any complaining.  The morning drizzle enticed me with thoughts of solitude and our choice of the best parking spots. 

So what's this?  What the heck is going on in the world that people are coming out in the rain and cold to crowd my birthday hike?  There was not a spot to be had at 7:00am!  Sharon and I were left to park on the road like common picnicers!  Team Footsafari left to choose between a spot a little too close to the cliff or a little too close to crumbling rock face!  The girls debating over were the legal parking begins and ends and taking a spot which we have previously deemed unfit for any parking at all!  Blast!

I'm happy to say that we did get ourselves parked and on the trail.  Past the camp we had no trouble finding a little bit of quiet.  About a half mile from the top, we emerged from the cloud cover to find sunny blue skies above us and a sea of clouds beneath us.  It was like a miracle!  And the hot dog... oh my... it was the most sublime hot dog I have ever had!  popping and juicy nestled in a poppy seed bun.  just a little mustard please oh yes.  It was a Cosmic Dog!  We danced all the way down the Manzanita Ridge Trail.  I picked up a little manure for my compost heap and home we went.

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