Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sharon's Solo Safari

This report from Sharon who had a great hike on Sunday while I enjoyed Universal Studios with my cute-as-a-button nephew!

I just planned to do a short hike this Sunday since Carolyn's in-laws were in town and she would not be hiking. I headed into the canyon after a short visit with Tina. It was a spectacular day with a nice breeze and no bugs. I was surprised to see four deer by the stone amphitheater. They were unconcerned about my presence. Some people near by said they had seen them in the same spot the day before. It was three females and a young buck who was just sprouting his antlers. On the way out of the canyon I saw Deb out doing fire clearance at her cabin. She said the pack station was serving cold soups during the summer. It's great to sit at the pack station enjoying a bowl of soup after a hike. After saying goodbye to Tina I started my drive down the mountain. As I approached the first stop sign I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a bear peering over the wall on the side of the road. It looked like it might be pretty young. I pointed it out to a couple who were standing near by. We ran over to the wall to see if we could catch sight of him going into the canyon but he had already disappeared into the brush. It's always beautiful hiking at Chantry but the deer, the bear and the thought of cold soup at the pack station made it spectacular.

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