Monday, March 19, 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I rented many of Carolyn's recommended movies, watched them along with several other 'DVDs of discontent', and promptly came down with a serious case of 'the walkin' pneumonia'. What goes on in this sick world is bad enough as it is, but I didn't fully realize that watching these DVDs in concentrated amounts can nearly kill you. Carolyn evidently has a very strong constitution. Viewers be advised! What did me in, in back to back viewing? Jesus Camp, Who Killed the Electric Car, Why We Fight, Iraq For Sale, The U.S. Vs John Lennon, An Inconvenient Truth, and lastly, the first true documentary ever made, Nanook of the North. Hey, you think tender fun loving Eskimos?...especially after seeing all these other documentaries of struggle? No. More blood thirsty/killing humans and their snarling dogs! Enough already!! Where's my inhaler and antibiotics?